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Class Rules


1. Be Prompt

2. Be Polite

3. Be Prepared

4. Be Productive




Infraction 1: Warning

Student's name is written under level 1, and they receive a mark on their behavior punch card.

Infraction 2: Loss of ICMM (I Can Manage Myself) Privileges

Student's name drops to level 2. Student will lose ICMM privileges.  A student must have one week of appropriate behavior to earn back ICMM privileges. 

Infraction 3: Consequence

Student has now moved their name to the last level, and it is time for a consequence: detention or a visit to the office. 


* Severe behavior will call for severe action to be taken. (Examples: Any physical contact with another student/invasion of private space, foul language, and repeated disrespect towards teacher.)




  • Students will be required to write their assignments in their agenda daily. It is the student's responsibility to show their agenda to their parents/guardians.

  • Late assignments not turned in the day they are due are worth half credit the next day. Homework assignments that are not turned in the following day will result in the student earning a zero on that assignment.

  • Three late/missing assignments equal an after school detention.

  • No name assignments will receive a five point deduction.

  • Students will receive one Oops token to use at their discretion each month. Work will need to be turned in the next day, but this gives them a chance to finish the assignment without consequence.

Great days start with making good choices!

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